lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Australia Imports from Colombia

Imports from Colombia in Australia remained unchanged at 6 AUD Million in February from 6 AUD Million in January of 2015. Imports from Colombia in Australia averaged 2.11 AUD Million from 1988 until 2015, reaching an all time high of 10 AUD Million in December of 2014 and a record low of 0 AUD Million in February of 1988. Imports from Colombia in Australia is reported by the Australian Bureau Of Statistics.
6.006.0010.000.001988 - 2015AUD MillionMonthly
Current prices NSA
This page includes a chart with historical data for Australia Imports from Colombia. Australia Imports from Colombia - actual data, historical chart and calendar of releases - was last updated on January of 2016. 

Australia | Economic Indicators

GDP Growth Rate0.9 Sep/150.2-2 : 4.4
Unemployment Rate5.8 Nov/156.24 : 11.1
Inflation Rate1.5 Sep/151.5-1.3 : 23.9
Interest Rate2 Dec/1522 : 17.5
Balance of Trade-2906 Nov/15-3247-3912 : 2229
Government Debt to GDP33.88 Dec/1430.99.7 : 33.88
Currency0.7 Jan/160.70.48 : 1.1
Stock Market4967 Jan/1649651358 : 6829
Government Bond 10Y2.75 Jan/162.782.27 : 16.4
GDP Growth Rate0.9 Sep/150.2-2 : 4.4
GDP Annual Growth Rate2.5 Sep/152-3.4 : 9
GDP1454 Dec/14156018.6 : 1560
GDP Constant Prices411643 Sep/1540780560536 : 411643
Gross National Product386409 Sep/1538606753966 : 388716
Gross Fixed Capital Formation99722 Sep/151038389292 : 111414
GDP per capita37828 Dec/143749713398 : 37828
GDP per capita PPP43219 Dec/144281027899 : 43219
GDP From Agriculture8733 Sep/1590473045 : 9321
GDP From Construction31582 Sep/15306067506 : 31720
GDP From Manufacturing25033 Sep/152472414947 : 27976
GDP From Mining36217 Sep/15342325812 : 36217
GDP From Public Administration21535 Sep/15216517323 : 21651
GDP From Utilities10971 Sep/15107193936 : 11003
Unemployment Rate5.8 Nov/156.24 : 11.1
Employed Persons11901 Nov/15118385994 : 11901
Unemployed Persons739 Nov/15740365 : 953
Full Time Employment41600 Nov/1538500-73016 : 76972
Part Time Employment29700 Nov/157110-76610 : 75730
Employment Change71400 Nov/1556100-69614 : 90140
Labor Force Participation Rate65.3 Nov/156560.15 : 65.8
Youth Unemployment Rate12.44 Nov/1512.237.61 : 20.22
Labour Costs101 Sep/1510245.4 : 102
Productivity101 Sep/1510258.2 : 104
Job Vacancies160 Sep/1515728.4 : 190
Job Advertisements155704 Dec/1515618772582 : 257904
Wages1137 Jun/15112959.1 : 1137
Minimum Wages657 Dec/15641544 : 657
Wage Growth2.3 Sep/152.52.3 : 4.3
Wages In Manufacturing1259 Jun/151268333 : 1268
Population23.49 Dec/1423.1310.28 : 23.49
Retirement Age Women64.5 Dec/1564.562 : 64.5
Retirement Age Men65 Dec/156565 : 65
Employment Rate61.55 Nov/1561.2753.48 : 63.41
Inflation Rate1.5 Sep/151.5-1.3 : 23.9
Inflation Rate Mom0.5 Sep/150.7-1.54 : 7.55
Consumer Price Index CPI108 Sep/151084.2 : 108
Core Consumer Prices109 Sep/1510843.4 : 109
Core Inflation Rate2.07 Sep/151.980.87 : 7.6
GDP Deflator99.1 Sep/1599.26.6 : 100
Producer Prices106 Sep/1510570.7 : 105
Producer Prices Change1.7 Sep/151.1-1.5 : 6.3
Export Prices80.9 Sep/1580.916.3 : 112
Import Prices108 Sep/1510651.5 : 116
Food Inflation0.2 Sep/151.3-3.2 : 20.6
Interest Rate2 Dec/1522 : 17.5
Interbank Rate2.53 Dec/152.742.4 : 18.18
Money Supply M095.74 Nov/1593.394.09 : 95.74
Money Supply M1321011 Nov/153176528246 : 335123
Money Supply M31836573 Nov/15182344110191 : 1836573
Banks Balance Sheet3931 Sep/153746323 : 3931
Central Bank Balance Sheet154508 Jan/1615461330418 : 167914
Foreign Exchange Reserves67440 Dec/15682081126 : 84610
Loans to Private Sector827143 Nov/1582428320212 : 827143
Deposit Interest Rate2.9 Dec/143.252.9 : 15.69
Balance of Trade-2906 Nov/15-3247-3912 : 2229
Exports26764 Nov/1526604435 : 29190
Imports29670 Nov/1529852396 : 29852
Current Account-18104 Sep/15-20506-20882 : 295
Current Account to GDP-2.8 Dec/14-3.3-6.7 : 1.4
External Debt1907269 Sep/151815720147312 : 1907269
Terms of Trade83.3 Sep/1582.649.3 : 118
Capital Flows18753 Sep/1515552-375 : 21907
Foreign Direct Investment57525 Dec/1456183-37050 : 57932
Tourist Arrivals624000 Oct/1557150030100 : 806700
Gold Reserves79.85 Sep/1579.8479.69 : 79.85
Crude Oil Production301 Jun/15258258 : 781
Terrorism Index3.11 Dec/140.220.01 : 3.11
Government Debt to GDP33.88 Dec/1430.99.7 : 33.88
Government Budget-3.1 Dec/14-1.2-4.2 : 2
Government Budget Value-2790 Nov/15-4991-13933 : 13995
Government Spending73344 Sep/15728178992 : 73344
Government Revenues31190 Nov/1537295510 : 44914
Fiscal Expenditure34159 Nov/1535810790 : 45954
Asylum Applications1787 Dec/141787118 : 1787
Credit Rating97.31 :
Business Confidence5 Nov/153-30 : 20
Manufacturing PMI51.9 Dec/1552.530.86 : 62.13
Services PMI46.3 Dec/1548.239 : 55.6
Industrial Production2.18 Aug/150.29-7.8 : 12.77
Industrial Production Mom-1.2 Jun/151.13-7.02 : 5.3
Manufacturing Production-0.92 Aug/15-1.84-11.77 : 8.63
Capacity Utilization80.86 Nov/1581.3878.24 : 84.67
New Orders15 Dec/1537-37 : 47
Changes in Inventories-411 Sep/15145-4069 : 4143
Bankruptcies872 Nov/151000217 : 1123
Corporate Profits64619 Sep/156284212032 : 70734
Car Production14822 Nov/15151329227 : 39306
Car Registrations13297 Dec/14130003991 : 13297
Total Vehicle Sales97696 Nov/159668748099 : 100421
Leading Economic Index97.55 Nov/1597.7497.19 : 103
Small Business Sentiment-2.26 Sep/15-2.32-21.1 : 18.71
Business Inventories0.1 Sep/150.2-2.7 : 2.9
Competitiveness Index5.15 Dec/165.085.08 : 5.2
Competitiveness Rank21 Dec/162215 : 22
Corruption Index80 Dec/148180 : 88.6
Corruption Rank11 Dec/1497 : 13
Ease of Doing Business13 Dec/15129 : 15
Mining Production6.24 Aug/155.11-16.61 : 25.48
Consumer Confidence101 Dec/1597.864.61 : 128
Retail Sales MoM0.4 Nov/150.6-10.6 : 8.1
Retail Sales YoY4.1 Nov/153.92.05 : 12.73
Consumer Spending228840 Sep/1522717132048 : 228840
Disposable Personal Income280915 Sep/152773493108 : 280915
Personal Savings9 Sep/158.8-0.7 : 20.6
Consumer Credit2411610 Nov/15240037135835 : 2411610
Private Sector Credit0.4 Nov/150.7-0.5 : 2.9
Bank Lending Rate8.8 Dec/158.88.1 : 20.5
Gasoline Prices0.87 Dec/150.910.46 : 1.67
Households Debt To Gdp122 Jun/1512034.2 : 122
Building Permits-12.7 Nov/157.9-23.91 : 32.3
New Home Sales7463 Oct/1577085186 : 20768
Housing Index2 Sep/152-2.6 : 6.1
Construction Output-3.6 Sep/152.1-18.9 : 9.2
Construction Pmi46.8 Dec/1550.729.24 : 59.1
Home Ownership Rate67 Dec/1168.967 : 71.4
Corporate Tax Rate30 Dec/153030 : 49
Personal Income Tax Rate45 Dec/144545 : 47
Sales Tax Rate10 Dec/151010 : 10
Social Security Rate11.25 Dec/1510.7510.5 : 11.25
Social Security Rate For Companies9.25 Dec/159.259 : 9.25
Social Security Rate For Employees2 Dec/151.51.5 : 2

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